Serving Country Club Hills, Illinois, Nature’s Choice Farm is committed to supporting farmers raising animals in a healthy environment and to producing quality, healthy pasture raised meat for your family. We raise and produce quality poultry, cattle, pigs, and lamb. All of which are raised free to roam on luscious, green pastures.
We offer bulk buying options direct from our farm, which saves you money and ensures fresh meat for your family year round. You also get to choose exactly how you would like your meat packaged, and you can trust the quality of how it was raised and produced.
At Nature’s Choice farm in Country Club Hills, Illinois, cattle graze on a diverse blend of pasture plants during the summer and are fed hay harvested from the pasture during the winter. Pasture raised meat can be leaner and higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. In addition, our chickens and turkeys are never kept in cages and are provided with plenty of space, fresh grass, and nutritious feed.
When you purchase beef in bulk, not only do you save money but it also means less time spent on last minute trips to the local grocery store. Buying for your local farm also lets you know exactly where your beef comes from and how it was produced. Contact us today to learn more about bull buying from our farm in Country Club Hills, Illinois.